Collegium Ministries

A Five Fold Training Center 

Mark David Shaw M.T.S.

Bishop Mark Shaw’s earnest desire is to see people realize who they are in Christ and who God is to them. This will empower them to fulfill their purpose and destiny in Christ. He is the author of five books, “Is God Calling You To Ministry?,”  “The Glory of Kings,” “The Government of God,” “Warfare!” and “The Failure of the Church: A Chronology of End-Time Events.” He is currently working on his sixth book, “Discipleship: The One Thing That is Necessary”

He has also co-authored the following curriculum: “A Call to Discipleship: The Foundations of our Faith I and II,” “The Five Books of Moses” “The Writings I and II,” “The Prophets I, II, III, and IV,” and “The New Testament Series.”

God has called him to share the true nature of God with emphasis placed on the relationship between the individual and their Creator. In order to effect true and positive change in people’s lives, Bishop Shaw has also been called to bring attention to secular concepts and philosophies that have crept into the Body of Christ.

Pastor John Kolb of Clarion Call Ministries, Post Falls, ID states, “The ministry of Bishop Mark Shaw is one that is highly anointed to the calling that God has placed upon him. He ministers with great integrity and strong Biblical principles of character in simple humility of heart that has encouraged so many.”

Bishop Shaw is co-founder and director of Collegium Bible Institute where the next generation of ministers are being equipped for God’s service around the world. Shaw began his ministerial journey with the First New Testament Church where he was licensed in 1977. He served as an associate pastor and studied under Reverend James Anderson and Reverend Shirley Smith in Fort Myers, Florida. He received his leadership training under Bill Basansky Ministries in 1985.

Bishop Shaw was ordained as teacher and pastor in 1988 by Collegium Ministries. Shaw has served on their board of directors for the past twenty years. In September 2002, he was ordained by Dr. Michael K. Lake of United Full Gospel Church, located in Marshfield, Missouri. The Bishop was the co-founder of A Voice in the Wilderness newsletter which was published quarterly. Licensed in Teleios Therapy®, he counsels in healing and restoration through spiritual renewal. Shaw holds a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies and continues his studies with Dr. Michael Lake through Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri.

Bishop Shaw is co-founder and director of Collegium Bible Institute where the next generation of ministers are being equipped for God’s service. The Bishop and his wife once presided as pastors over Adonai Worship Center in Cannon Falls, Minnesota. In 2014, Collegium Bible Institute launched their new online school which can be accessed globally. The Shaws continue to devote their time and energy to discipling through this new format.

Kathryn Colton Shaw E.M.B.S.

Pastor Kathryn Colton Shaw has a heart and a voice to teach those that are hungry to walk in the ways of the Lord, and awaken them to do what God has called them to do. It is Kathryn’s desire to bring healing to the whole person in order that they may be released to accomplish the destiny they were created for.

Kathryn is the co-founder of A Voice in the Wilderness newsletter, which is a quarterly publication that focuses on the Christian life. She also co-authored the book “Warfare!” with Pastor Mark Shaw. She is licensed in Teleios Therapy®, and teaches in healing and restoration through spiritual renewal. Kathryn holds an associate degree in Biblical Counseling under Dr. Michael Lake through Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri. She has completed studies through Oral Roberts University and she graduated in 2004 from The Way of the Master School of Biblical Evangelism located in Bellflower, California. She holds a Executive Master Degree in Biblical Studies from Collegium Bible Institute.

Kathryn was ordained by Collegium Ministries in 1998. She currently sits on the board of directors and is co-director of Collegium Ministries. Kathryn is the prophetic voice of this ministry.  The vision that the Holy Spirit has cast within her has given all of us a shining light by which to take this ministry and our individual lives forward.  Kathryn has a gift for networking and hosting seminars and educational programs. She is also gifted in administration and is a valuable asset to the Church. Pastor Kathryn is the co-founder of Collegium Bible Institute where she serves as Dean of Academic Affairs/Counselor and continues to develop curriculum to impact the next generation for Christ.

Susan Snelling E.M.B.S.

Pastor Susan Snelling joined Collegium Bible Institute in 2009. She also sits upon the Grant Committee as Grant Administrator where she oversees grant proposals. She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from City University in Bellevue, WA.

Susan was licensed as a minister in 2011 and was ordained in 2014 by Collegium Ministries and served as an associate pastor at Adonai Worship Center.  In 2017, after seven years of difficult study and discipleship, she received her Executive Master of Biblical Studies degree from Collegium Bible Institute.  She has a passion to see women enter into discipleship that they may fulfill the fullness of their purpose to the glory of God. This passion is taking shape in the authoring of a book that addresses the needs of women in the local Church. Her unique style of writing is an asset to the Body of Christ. Called to ministry, she is encouraging Christians to repent and surrender to the call of God upon their lives by entering into discipleship where they can truly be anointed for the work for which they were created.

The burden of the Lord’s call upon her resounds with a call to repentance to this nation. Her gifting shows a deep sense of purpose and direction. Her interest in the founding of this nation, her love and enthusiasm in our founding documents reveals a person called by God to warn America of the direction it is taking.  Ms. Snelling has developed a series of lessons surrounding the founding documents of America.  Her work provides the evidence that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the history of their creation reveals the exceptional leading of the Holy Spirit to bring this nation to its inception. She is an excellent teacher on this subject.  Susan has a sense of both individual and corporate destiny which makes her an invaluable member of our team.

John Wilcox M.B.S.

John Wilcox was licensed  as a minister in 2013 by Collegium Ministries.  He received his Master of Biblical Studies degree from Collegium Bible Institute in 2015. He has spent the majority of his employment in the television broadcast industry. Although he is invaluable in this field of work, his expressed value has a capacity far above his technical skill. His heart for the Church is unmistakable. His passion to present her as a chaste bride to her groom is unambiguous.

His gifting lends itself to the ability to teach the Word of God. His talent is transferring the knowledge of God to the recipients of salvation.  This is manifest in the lives that come away changed. John has the heart of a father for the Church which is demonstrated by his desire to teach others on how to defend their Christian beliefs. His anointing is demonstrated in his genuine love for those entrusted to this ministry.

John has a love for eschatology (study of end times) and apologetics (study of defending the Christian faith).  Foremost, John loves to teach. His care for the Word of God is articulated in his long hours of study and a deep sense of destiny in himself and others.

Brandon Gatzke E.M.B.S.

Pastor Brandon Gatzke joined Collegium Bible Institute in 2002. He is called to be an Evangelist and senses a deep commitment to the outcasts of society where he has a heart for those that are substance abusers. Brandon was ordained as a minister in 2017 and served as an associate pastor at Adonai Worship Center which was the chapel of Collegium Bible Institute. He is the Director of Men’s Evangelistic Outreach.  Coming from the street himself, God has given him a divine compassion for those who are bound by drugs and alcohol. Brandon takes the Word of God literally when Jesus commissioned us to go make disciples through street evangelism ministry.

Brandon’s preaching style shows his love for the Word of God and its application to the lives of believers. He has a longing for people to find their divine purpose and to see them walk in the direction that their Creator called them. He has a love for the truth and is an avid hunter of true doctrine. His love for truth and correct doctrine has led the Board of Collegium Bible Institute to name him as its Director of “The Guardians of Biblical Truth.”  Another passion of his is the Jewish people and the Hebrew language. Brandon articulates his messages with warmth, humor, conviction, and passion. Brandon has a powerful prayer life that is demonstrated in praying for the sick.  His visits to the hospitals has resulted in multiple people being uplifted and healed.  He presently holds an Associate Degree of Biblical Studies with Biblical Life College & Seminary and has received his Executive Master of Biblical Studies Degree from Collegium Bible Institute.

Richard Farm

Richard Farm brings a youthful and fresh voice to our team. He has the pulse of the young and that translates in helping us communicate the knowledge of God to the next generation. He has a passion for history and apologetics, both of which are needed in an unprecedented way in our current culture. This translates into an interest in end time doctrine that is used as a bridge to communicate to a lost culture.  Richard has a strong love and desire for the need of Christians to be discipled. His gifts are demonstrated in teaching and organizing. Rich brings a sense of order and efficiency to the team.

Called to be a teacher in the Body of Christ, Rich is unique in the expression of this gift to the group. God has gifted him with an ability to communicate through writing.  Because of this, Rich is a co-contributor for the Voice in the Wilderness newsletter.  His insight into the Word of God will serve the Church for years to come. Richard has the potential to become one of the great generals of faith. His commitment to his purpose and destiny is unmistakably birthed out of love for his Savior.

Cathy Gallups

Cathy joined Collegium Ministries in 2008. Called to be an evangelist, she administers that calling in a unique way.  She’s quick to respond to strangers in our community by sharing the good news and praying for the sick.  Our ministry sends her out to volunteer at Mario Murillo events to pray over those in need.  She is also interested in politics, where she volunteers as an election judge every election cycle. 

Brian Stegenga

Brian and Diana joined Collegium Ministries in 2015.  Brian has a passion for apologetics and desires to see young people prepared to meet this secular culture head on.  With 8000 Marxist professors in American institutions of learning, our young people are being bullied into abandoning the faith of their fathers.  Brian sees apologetic training and instruction as a bulwark against the anti-God culture that seeks to destroy any and all faith in God.  This passion of his encourages others to become disciples of Christ where they too can learn to express their faith in the atmosphere of darkness.  Brian is also certified in firearm safety training for concealed carry permit acquisition.

Diana Stegenga

Diana is a dynamic advocate for the unborn and young children.  She adds her passion to that of Collegium Ministries in the defense of these lives.  With Planned Parenthood being the most ubiquitous provider of the planned murder of the most innocent among us, she seeks their defunding and ultimate demise.  She is an inexhaustible social media activist who informs the public of the dangers facing our young people.  From violent video games to secular indoctrination movies, she is a voice of warning for parents across this country.  She has prolific administration skills and is an asset to this ministry.

Collegium Bible Institute

PO Box 611
Hastings, MN 55033
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